Department of Numbers

Prince George's County Maryland Household Income

The Census ACS 1-year survey reports that the median household income for the Prince George's County Maryland area was $90,182 in 2021, the latest figures available. Prince George's County median household income is $21 lower than the median Maryland household income and $20,465 greater than the US median household income. 2022 county income data (including Prince George's County median household income) will be released in September of 2023. Median family and per capita income for Prince George's County are shown below.

Note: 2020 data is interpolated as the ACS release for the year was incomplete due to data gathering issues related to the pandemic.

Show dollars as: Nominal Real

Real Median Household Income for Prince George's County Maryland

2021 1 Year Change 3 Year Change
US $69,717 -1.64% +4.32%
Maryland $90,203 -2.59% +0.43%
Prince George's County $90,182 -2.35% +0.66%

Trends in Prince George's County, MD Real Median Household Income since 2005

The current median household income for Prince georges is $90,182. Real median household income peaked in 2020 at $92,357 and is now $2,175 (2.35%) lower.

Real Median Household Income: Prince George's County, Maryland, National

Historical Inflation Adjusted Median Household Income for Prince George's County

Date US Maryland Prince George's County
2021 $69,717 $90,203 $90,182
2020 $70,877 $92,602 $92,357
2019 $69,638 $91,921 $91,446
2018 $66,828 $89,815 $89,591
2017 $66,687 $89,278 $89,791
2016 $65,052 $89,132 $89,401
2015 $63,784 $86,738 $87,760
2014 $61,468 $84,739 $82,813
2013 $60,869 $84,440 $83,938
2012 $60,732 $84,081 $82,612
2011 $60,969 $84,513 $85,371

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Prince George's County Family Income

The ACS 1-year data shows the median family income for Prince George's County was $104,899 in 2021. Compared to the median Maryland family income, Prince George's County median family income is $6,079 lower. As with the median household income data, 2022 family income data for Prince George's County will be released in September of 2023.

Show dollars as: Nominal Real

Real Median Family Income for Prince George's County Maryland

2021 1 Year Change 3 Year Change
US $85,806 -1.68% +4.09%
Maryland $110,978 -2.12% +1.40%
Prince George's County $104,899 -2.49% +0.30%

Trends in Prince George's County, MD Real Median Family Income since 2005

The current median family income for Prince georges is $104,899. Real median family income peaked in 2020 at $107,576 and is now $2,677 (2.49%) lower.

Real Median Family Income: Prince George's County, Maryland, National

Historical Inflation Adjusted Median Family Income for Prince George's County

Date US Maryland Prince George's County
2021 $85,806 $110,978 $104,899
2020 $87,269 $113,387 $107,576
2019 $85,780 $111,993 $106,668
2018 $82,434 $109,447 $104,583
2017 $81,669 $108,750 $103,971
2016 $80,231 $107,638 $100,523
2015 $78,061 $104,715 $100,056
2014 $75,505 $102,733 $95,274
2013 $74,593 $101,589 $96,398
2012 $73,920 $101,653 $94,540
2011 $74,192 $101,196 $97,950

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Prince George's County Per Capita Income

The ACS 1-year survey shows the per capita income for Prince George's County was $40,248 in 2021. Compared to the median Maryland per capita income, Prince George's County median per capita income is $6,252 lower. As with the median household and median family income numbers above, 2022 per capita income data for Prince George's County will be released in September of 2023.

Show dollars as: Nominal Real

Real Per Capita Income for Prince George's County Maryland

2021 1 Year Change 3 Year Change
US $38,332 -1.03% +5.01%
Maryland $46,500 -1.08% +3.79%
Prince George's County $40,248 -1.23% +0.56%

Trends in Prince George's County, MD Real Per Capita Income since 2005

The current per capita income for Prince georges is $40,248. Real per capita income peaked in 2020 at $40,751 and is now $503 (1.23%) lower.

Real Per Capita Income: Prince George's County, Maryland, National

Historical Real Per Capita Income for Prince George's County

Date US Maryland Prince George's County
2021 $38,332 $46,500 $40,248
2020 $38,730 $47,010 $40,751
2019 $37,803 $45,914 $39,866
2018 $36,503 $44,801 $40,022
2017 $35,807 $44,166 $39,731
2016 $35,145 $43,651 $38,358
2015 $34,284 $42,910 $38,075
2014 $33,094 $41,628 $36,458
2013 $32,833 $42,145 $37,053
2012 $32,297 $41,548 $36,779
2011 $32,243 $41,650 $37,866

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