Department of Numbers

Housing Units, Population and Cost Rank Measures for Iowa

Here we explore the evolution and dynamics of the housing supply in Iowa, the relative cost of Iowa housing, the housing mix and the change in Iowa population. Housing supply here is defined as the number of housing units (i.e: houses, condos, apartments etc..). For this analysis, the Iowa population number we're most interested in is the 18 and over population since the under 18 population typically isn't a buyer or renter in the housing market. All data on this page comes from the Census ACS 1 year survey. Jump to Iowa sections: housing units, housing cost, housing mix, population.

Housing Units and 18+ Population for Iowa

The data below track the total number of housing units in Iowa, the total 18 and over population in Iowa and the ratio of the 18 and over Iowa population to the number of housing units. Over the past 5 years, the number of Iowa housing units increased by 4.15% while the 18 and over population increased by 2.17%. As a result, the ratio of the 18 and over population to housing units decreased from 1.748 to 1.715. A lower population to housing units ratio means there are more housing units available per person in the region.

2019 1 Year Change 5 Year Change
Iowa Housing Units 1,418,600 +0.64% +4.15%
Iowa 18+ Population 2,433,240 +0.43% +2.17%
Iowa 18+ Pop. / Units 1.715 -0.004 -0.033

Iowa 18+ Population to Units Ratio Trends: Iowa, US

Iowa Housing Units and 18+ Population History

Date Iowa Housing Units Iowa 18+ Population Iowa 18+ Pop. / Units
2019 1,418,600 2,433,240 1.715
2018 1,409,568 2,422,756 1.719
2017 1,397,739 2,415,361 1.728
2016 1,380,087 2,407,726 1.745
2015 1,369,379 2,395,146 1.749
2014 1,362,034 2,381,535 1.748
2013 1,349,607 2,366,950 1.754
2012 1,345,711 2,351,520 1.747
2011 1,340,588 2,338,453 1.744
2010 1,337,563 2,325,209 1.738
2009 1,342,052 2,299,738 1.714
2008 1,328,740 2,293,076 1.726

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Iowa Relative Housing Cost Percentile by Price and Rent

This data shows where Iowa falls in the distribution of home prices and rent compared to other states (and D.C.). The higher the percentile, the more expensive the region is compared to the rest of the country. In 2019, Iowa was at the 17.65% percentile for home prices and the 15.69% percentile for the cost of rent. Over the past 5 years, Iowa home prices have become less expensive compared to the rest of the country and rent in Iowa has become more expensive over the past 5 years relative to the rest of the country.

Iowa Home Price and Rent Percentile

2019 1 Year Change
5 Year Change
Iowa Home Price Percentile 17.65% 0.00% -3.92%
Iowa Rent Percentile 15.69% +7.85% +5.89%

Iowa Trends in Home Price and Rent Percentile: Iowa, US

Iowa Home Price and Rent Percentile History

Date Iowa Home Price Percentile Iowa Rent Percentile
2019 17.65% 15.69%
2018 17.65% 7.84%
2017 17.65% 15.69%
2016 17.65% 13.73%
2015 15.69% 9.80%
2014 21.57% 9.80%
2013 17.65% 9.80%
2012 17.65% 11.76%
2011 17.65% 11.76%
2010 17.65% 9.80%
2009 15.69% 9.80%
2008 13.73% 11.76%

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Iowa Housing Units: Owner Occupied, Renter Occupied and Vacant

The data below shows the number of housing units in Iowa by type. Over the past 5 years, the number of housing units held by owner occupiers increased by 3.18% while the total number of rented units in Iowa increased by 4.91%. Units that were vacant1 increased by 8.97% over the last 5 years.

Iowa Changes in Owned, Rented and Vacant Units

2019 1 Year Change 5 Year Change
Iowa Owner Occ. Units 907,880 +0.46% +3.18%
Iowa Renter Occ. Units 379,341 +4.18% +4.91%
Iowa Vacant Units 131,379 -7.28% +8.97%

Iowa Housing Share Trends: Owned, Rented and Vacant: Owned, Rented, Vacant

The chart below shows the share of each housing type in Iowa as a fraction of total housing units.

Iowa Owned, Rented and Vacant Units History

Date Iowa Owner Occ. Units Iowa Renter Occ. Units Iowa Vacant Units
2019 907,880 379,341 131,379
2018 903,751 364,122 141,695
2017 900,362 357,143 140,234
2016 881,435 366,497 132,155
2015 881,480 365,769 122,130
2014 879,878 361,593 120,563
2013 875,362 360,847 113,398
2012 882,584 344,464 118,663
2011 880,368 336,397 123,823
2010 885,284 338,155 114,124
2009 884,301 342,503 115,248
2008 885,884 329,467 113,389

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Iowa Population

This data shows the population of Iowa for the under 18 category and the 18 and over category. In the last 5 years the under 18 population has decreased by 0.52% while the 18 and over population has increased by 2.17%.The total population of Iowa has increased by 1.54% in the last 5 years.

Changes in Iowa Population

2019 1 Year Change 5 Year Change
Iowa Population Under 18 721,830 -1.58% -0.52%
Iowa Population 18+ 2,433,240 +0.43% +2.17%
Iowa Total Population 3,155,070 -0.03% +1.54%

Iowa Population Age Share: Under 18, 18 and Over: 18+, Under 18

Iowa Population History

Date Iowa Population Under 18 Iowa Population 18+ Iowa Total Population
2019 721,830 2,433,240 3,155,070
2018 733,389 2,422,756 3,156,145
2017 730,350 2,415,361 3,145,711
2016 726,967 2,407,726 3,134,693
2015 728,753 2,395,146 3,123,899
2014 725,591 2,381,535 3,107,126
2013 723,466 2,366,950 3,090,416
2012 722,666 2,351,520 3,074,186
2011 723,856 2,338,453 3,062,309
2010 724,674 2,325,209 3,049,883
2009 708,119 2,299,738 3,007,857
2008 709,481 2,293,076 3,002,557

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1. The Census defines a vacant unit as belonging to the following set: For rent, Rented not occupied, For sale only, Sold not occupied, For seasonal or recreational or other occasional use, For migrant workers, Other vacant.