Department of Numbers

This section of Department of Numbers is no longer being updated and may be removed in the future. The data here is out of date and should no longer be used.

Rhode Island COVID-19 Case and Testing Statistics

As of Sunday March 07 2021, Rhode Island had 128,121 cases of COVID-19 and 2,541 deaths. Over the past week, Rhode Island was finding 241 new cases per day on average and recording 3.9 deaths per day. Data for Rhode Island is provided by the COVID Tracking Project and will be updated daily.

Compare Rhode Island COVID-19 data to other states.

Rhode Island average daily new cases

The current 7 day rolling average of new case discovery in Rhode Island is 240.7. The 7 day rolling average of new case discovery last peaked on Wednesday December 09 2020 at 1,327.7 and is now 1,087.0 lower (81.87%).

Note: If testing is insufficient the above curve will underrepresent true case discovery. Nationwide daily testing per million residents is currently 4221.6. Reported Rhode Island testing per million residents per day is 11119.6.

Rhode Island average daily deaths

The current 7 day rolling average of reported deaths in Rhode Island is 3.9. The 7 day rolling average of reported deaths last peaked on Wednesday February 24 2021 at 19.3 and is now 15.4 lower (80.00%).

Statistics for positive cases of COVID-19 in Rhode Island

Total Cases and Total Cases per 1M residents are cumulative counts. Daily Positive measures are rolling 7 day averages.

Date Total
per 1M
(7d Avg)
per 1M
(7d Avg)
03/07/21 128,121 120,942 241 227.2
03/06/21 128,121 120,942 290 273.5
03/05/21 128,121 120,942 357 337.0
03/04/21 127,727 120,570 363 342.8
03/03/21 127,285 120,153 367 346.2
03/02/21 126,849 119,741 370 348.9
03/01/21 126,588 119,495 373 351.7
02/28/21 126,436 119,351 374 352.6
02/27/21 126,093 119,027 364 343.2
02/26/21 125,622 118,583 354 334.0
02/25/21 125,185 118,170 332 313.7
02/24/21 124,718 117,729 325 307.2
02/23/21 124,262 117,299 313 295.3
02/22/21 123,980 117,033 313 295.7
02/21/21 123,821 116,883 320 301.7

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Death statistics for COVID-19 in Rhode Island

Total Deaths and Total Deaths per 1M residents are cumulative counts. Daily Death measures are rolling 7 day averages.

Date Total
per 1M
(7d Avg)
per 1M
(7d Avg)
03/07/21 2,541 2,398.6 3.9 3.6
03/06/21 2,541 2,398.6 4.1 3.9
03/05/21 2,541 2,398.6 5.6 5.3
03/04/21 2,539 2,396.7 6.1 5.8
03/03/21 2,534 2,392.0 6.7 6.3
03/02/21 2,525 2,383.5 7.0 6.6
03/01/21 2,517 2,376.0 7.3 6.9
02/28/21 2,514 2,373.1 7.3 6.9
02/27/21 2,512 2,371.2 7.1 6.7
02/26/21 2,502 2,361.8 18.0 17.0
02/25/21 2,496 2,356.1 18.4 17.4
02/24/21 2,487 2,347.6 19.3 18.2
02/23/21 2,476 2,337.3 18.9 17.8
02/22/21 2,466 2,327.8 18.9 17.8
02/21/21 2,463 2,325.0 18.7 17.7

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COVID-19 testing statistics in Rhode Island

All measures below are rolling 7 day averages except Total Tests and Total Tests per 1M residents which are cumulative counts of COVID-19 tests as of the date reported. Testing statistics are dependent on high quality reporting of negative test results by states. Not all states report all tests and thus some of these measures may not represent the true testing picture.

Date Total
per 1M
(7d Avg)
per 1M
(7d Avg)
(7d Avg)
03/07/21 3,087,981 2,914,947 11,780 11,120 2.0%
03/06/21 3,087,981 2,914,947 13,934 13,153 2.1%
03/05/21 3,087,981 2,914,947 17,049 16,093 2.1%
03/04/21 3,065,112 2,893,359 16,917 15,969 2.1%
03/03/21 3,041,681 2,871,241 17,096 16,138 2.1%
03/02/21 3,022,306 2,852,952 17,069 16,113 2.2%
03/01/21 3,011,311 2,842,573 17,125 16,165 2.2%
02/28/21 3,005,523 2,837,109 17,168 16,206 2.2%
02/27/21 2,990,443 2,822,874 16,573 15,644 2.2%
02/26/21 2,968,641 2,802,294 16,408 15,489 2.2%
02/25/21 2,946,696 2,781,579 16,334 15,418 2.0%
02/24/21 2,922,011 2,758,277 15,955 15,061 2.0%
02/23/21 2,902,822 2,740,163 15,975 15,080 2.0%
02/22/21 2,891,439 2,729,418 15,857 14,969 2.0%
02/21/21 2,885,345 2,723,665 15,840 14,953 2.0%

more history ...

A final word on this analysis

Please take my calculations and amatuer epidemiological speculations with a grain of salt as I'm moving quickly to get what I hope are meaningful measures online. There may be errors in my data and my thinking! Also, this data may be revised as states revise and backfill their data.

These statistics were inspired by posts on Calculated Risk and the Bondad Blog regarding metrics to track for COVID-19.

Last but not least, thanks to the folks at COVID Tracking Project for making this data available to everyone.